
‘Sesame Street’ YouTube Account Hacked, X-rated Content Added To Channel

YouTube It seems that not even beloved children's TV series “Sesame Street” is safe from hackers. The show's YouTube account fell victim to a nasty attack, where X-rated content was uploaded to the channel. The show's channel was taken down by YouTube on Sunday afternoon, with visitors to the channel being greeted by a message that said it had been taken offline due... Read more »

USA Today Falls Victim To Hackers On Twitter

In July, FOX News fell victim to hackers who hijacked their Twitter account and posted tweets about the false assassination of President Obama. The hacker group called the Script Kiddies has targeted another news outlet on the microblogging service. USA Today was the latest victim on the Script Kiddies agenda. The group previously defaced Pfizer’s Facebook Page... Read more »

inPulse Lets You Check-in to Facebook Places from Your Watch

Because checking-in to Facebook Places from your Android isn't quite simple enough, thanks to the lovely folks at inPulse, you can now do it from your (their) watch! Well, perhaps "simple" isn't the right word, since using the app requires a Bluetooth and an Android phone. But if you got the goods, here's how the hack works: You're going to need to get Graph... Read more »