
Facebook Makes Big Changes to Pages

Facebook logo angled Not content with making significant changes to profiles, Facebook has decided to give Pages a complete overhaul, with a fresh design and several other upgrades. While on the surface this appears a big change to the aesthetic of Pages, it's simply bringing the design in line with that of the user profiles. Page admins can display the most recent photos pertaining... Read more »

Facebook Limits App Developers to Specific Ad Networks: Google’s Out

facebook platform featured Facebook has announced that it will only allow developers to use certain advertising networks within their applications, with Google AdWords and DoubleClick services being glaring omissions. The social media giant has approved more than 40 ad providers which developers can use. According to a post on the Developers blog, developers will have to make the switch by... Read more »

Facebook Share Plan Values Company at $60B

facebook money featured While we all know a billion dollars is cooler than a million dollars (thanks for the financial advice, Aaron Sorkin), just how cool would $60 billion be? For that's the astounding figure being cited as the approximate valuation of social media giant Facebook. The figure is far above the estimated valuation bestowed on the company during its recent $1.5 billion... Read more »

South Carolina Wants to Fine Prisoners $500 for Getting Social

facebook-jail Prisoners in South Carolina may be getting an unwelcome (and costly) status update regarding their social media use from prison walls, as the state moves to make using social-networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter a punishable offense. Representative Wendell Gilliard (D) of Charleston proposed a bill that would make it illegal for a prisoner to participate... Read more »

Smartphone With Facebook Integration Revealed

British phone manufacturer INQ Mobile has unveiled the Cloud Touch, the first phone by a major manufacturer to feature deep Facebook integration. INQ's channel manager Andrew Bennet gave Techcrunch a demo of the device -- which has been developed with the help of Facebook engineers. Rumors of an official Facebook phone have been circulating for months. The social... Read more »

Facebook Opens Ad Sales Shop in Hong Kong

facebook Facebook announced the opening of their sales office in Hong Kong today, according to Asia Media Journal. The office will provide direct support for companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Facebook already has an ad sales office in Singapore, and this latest opening will only strengthen Facebook's presence in Asia. However, Facebook remains banned in China (a sanction... Read more »

Moontoast to Sell Your Merch Through Facebook

Moontoast just updated their Facebook app that will allow you to shop for merchandise (hoodies, shirts, life-size replicas) without ever leaving a fan page. Moontoast Impulse is great for Facebook, because it keeps you in its site, basically putting a "merchandise" section into any page. Moontoast is known for developing marketing interfaces for bands and media... Read more »

Facebook Struggling at Life in Japan

Facebook Friendly Marketing It looks like Facebook just hasn't been able to stand up to Mixi, their biggest competition in Japan, according to Bloomberg. Facebook has been left behind as Mixi offers targeted features - like job-hunting services - and a finely-honed infrastructure. Being a product of Japan, it also has the leg up on intimate knowledge of Japanese culture. Mixi also has... Read more »

Mark Zuckerberg Has a Facebook Stalker

zuckerberg Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken out a restraining order against Pradeep Manukonda, a man who Zuckerberg claims has been stalking him, his sister Randi and his girlfriend, and using threatening language via Facebook. According to TMZ.com, Manukonda, 31, has been going to Facebook offices in an effort to contact Zuckerberg for money and, according to a... Read more »

Facebook Rolls Out Live Comments System to All Users

Facebook logo angled You know the drill: Your open Facebook tab flashes to let you know that you have a notification. You switch to the window to discover that someone else has commented on that awesome picture of a cat inside a glass your friend posted earlier. But in order to see the comment, you have to refresh the page. However, in an effort to make all of our social networking... Read more »