More Than 100K Different Twitter Hashtags Have Been Used To Discuss #Occupy Movement

Twitter has revealed that more than 100,000 different hashtags have been used to discuss the Occupy Wall Street protests and related Occupy protests that have taken place all over the world.

In a series of tweets posted to the @twittercomms account, Twitter has revealed that the top hashtags related to the Occupy movement are #occupywallstreet, #ows, #occupywallst, #occupy, #occupyboston, #takewallstreet, #p2 and #nypd (perhaps the last one is related to alleged police brutality). Up to 330,000 tweets containing Occupy-related hashtags are being sent every day, with up to 17,000 different hashtags being used.

The top 10 cities that are sending tweets with Occupy hashtags are, in order, New York City, Los Angeles, Washington, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Philadelphia, Atlanta and Portland, Ore. Outside of the U.S., the top cities are: London, Cairo, Toronto, Madrid, Sydney, Vancouver, Berlin, Mexico City and Dublin.

It’s not quite clear how Twitter has managed to discover this data, since some of the hashtags do not mention the word “Occupy.” Still, this is a fascinating insight into how people are using Twitter to discuss an ongoing event, even if we can’t all agree to use the same hashtags.

More than 100K different hashtags have been used to discuss the Occupy Wall Street movement & similar "occupy" topics [1/4]
Twitter Comms
Up to 330K total hashtags about occupy-topics tweeted each day, with up to 17K different hashtags daily. [3/4]
Twitter Comms

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One Response to More Than 100K Different Twitter Hashtags Have Been Used To Discuss #Occupy Movement

  1. Girlgeek says:

    I want a list of all the hashtags that begin #occupy.  That should give an idea of all the cities that #occupy protests are taking place in.