YouTube Offers Behind-the-scenes Look With New ‘Life at YouTube’ Channel

YouTube is launching a new channel that offers you the chance to take a sneak peek inside life at the video-sharing service. The aim of the Life at YouTube channel is to give you an insight into the people who make YouTube tick — things like job opportunities, interesting people who work at and visit the YouTube offices and new projects will be also discussed on the channel.
The first video on the channel highlights Julie Kikla, strategic partner manager for sports. It provides a look at Julie’s life at YouTube and her colleagues, as well as what she did before working at the video-sharing service. There’s even some time for some office planking action.
The channel already contains several videos of YouTube employees talking about their work and life at the video-sharing service. It’s a cool idea, and follows on from similar behind-the-scenes looks at other social media services, such as LinkedIn, which launched an engineering blog earlier this year.