WARNING: ‘Get A Free $100 Pizzahut Gift Card’ Scam Spreads On Facebook

Over the past few months, several restaurant chains have taken to Facebook to reward loyal fans with free food. Some of the companies that have offered free food to their Facebook fans include P.F. Chang’s, White Castle and Chili’s. While those offers were all legitimate, there is a scam offer circulating on Facebook that claims to offer a $100 gift card for Pizza Hut.

There’s a significant warning flag on the link in that it is spelled “Pizzahut” rather than the correct “Pizza Hut.” Regardless, if you see a link that looks like this in your News Feed, you should not click on it.

  • “Get A Free $100 Pizzahut Gift Card!
    Get A Free $100 Pizzahut Gift Card Now!”

If you click on the link, you will be taken to a page that looks like this:

On this website, you will be presented with a short survey. If you answer all of the questions you will be informed that you qualify for the promotion.

Before you are rewarded with the $100 gift card (assuming, of course, that this offer is legitimate), the fine print at the bottom of the Web page says that you will have to complete several reward offers and a survey. This means that the gift card is not actually free (again, assuming this offer is legitimate) as you may have to pay for many of these reward offers.

In addition, the scammers are tying to obtain your personal information. You are asked for details such as your name, email address, mailing address and date of birth. You could also be asked to share the scam link with your Facebook friends.

We would advise that you do not complete any online surveys that prompt you to complete them to get free stuff or unlock content. Doing so may allow scammers to use your personal information in identity theft or to spam you.

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