WARNING: ‘OMG! A Spider under the skin!’ Scam Spreads Across Facebook News Feeds

There are some things that you can’t unsee and unfortunately, this Facebook scam is one of them for me. If the video behind the link actually existed, I really wouldn’t be shocked if it held the world record for being the grossest video ever — but Facebook users, stay calm, this video is entirely fabricated.
The scam will pop up in your News Feed as a post by a friend that reads “OMG! A Spider under the skin!” with the caption “Omg so disgusting :s.” The screenshot is enough to make anyone feel queasy.
If you click on the link you are lead to a video page that looks sort of like a mix between Facebook and YouTube. Immediately, warning signs should be flashing as the website probably isn’t something you’re familiar with — wouldn’t something this popular be on YouTube? Grossness doesn’t break their terms of service.
In order to see the fake video, the scammers want you to believe you have to click “Jaa” twice before you can play the video — but “Jaa” has a Facebook icon next to it. You should already assume that it’s going to post the video on your Wall if you click it. We’ve seen this before like in the scam that asked you to click “Jaa” to verify your age in order to see a video taken by a photographer before his suicide. If you click Jaa the post will spread to your Wall and a survey will pop up. Surveys like this are dangerous because they can lead to identity theft if you enter any personal information or even be used to install malware. It’s best to just leave posts like this alone when you see them in your News Feed.
Hi folks,
Recently a Firefox add-on has been created which is designed to protect you against those scams while you’re Facebook.
So… you Firefox users are luckily ;-)
More info at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/facebook-phishing-protector/
Not sure if you can help me with this - but I accidentally clicked on that video while on my EVO phone - sure enough it then posted it as a status update on my Facebook wall/news feed. However, I can only see that post on my phone, and there is no way to delete it on the Evo. If I log into my Facebook account on my laptop I do not see any trace of that post in order to delete it. Do you have any idea what I should do? I changed my Facebook password…I’m having trouble finding anymore information about it on the web.