Lady Gaga Fans Attack Adele On Twitter After MTV VMA Nominations Are Announced

The MTV Video Music Awards nominations were announced on Thursday and sparked a war on Twitter between Lady Gaga and Adele fans.
Adele, who was nominated in more categories than Gaga, impressed with her simplistic video for “Rolling in the Deep.” The video featured the songstress sitting in a chair in an unfinished room while cups of water vibrated to the beat of the drum. Lady Gaga, who’s pinned against Adele in the category for Best Female Video, has yet to put out a simple video. Her music videos are big budget productions featuring difficult choreography and overwhelming amounts of costume changes, which is part of the reason why her little monsters were shocked to find out that Adele had received more nominations.
Immediately after the nominations surfaced, Gaga’s monsters took to Twitter to attack Adele for her weight, which is surprisingly the opposite of what Gaga preaches. Gaga invented the concept of monsters to make all people feel like they belong regardless of their appearance. Apparently, some of them completely missed the memo.
One user tweeted “I wonder if Adele has ever moved” poking fun at the singer’s video and attacking her for her weight. Another user referenced Gaga’s infamous meat dress and tweeted, “The awkward moment when Adele eats Gaga in her meat dress.”
While a portion of Gaga’s fan base was exceedingly mean, there were many that sided with Adele. One user noted the ridiculousness of a message that had been retweeted by a number of fans about Lady Gaga’s meat dress. The tweet read:
Another fan admitted that while she loves Gaga, Adele still deserved her success.
It’s undeniable that both Adele and Lady Gaga have received massive success and deserve slots in this year’s list of nominees. With Adele’s sophomore release “21,” she has emerged as an industry favorite and distinguished herself as a soulful singer who isn’t relying on the bells and whistles of traditional pop stardome. Lady Gaga has the opposite type of image. She may be equally as talented, but her entire act is based on eccentric outfits and large, Broadway-esque performances.
Clearly the pair are tough acts to follow and it’s causing some fans to not take sides at all. One user tweeted:
The user does have a point. While it’s never okay to tease someone based on their appearance, Gaga isn’t exactly a stranger when it comes to being bullied by the masses. Sure, now she’s on top of the charts and has a cult-like fan base backing her up, but it wasn’t always so.
Do you think Gaga fans got out of control?
its not about music totally!!!!!!!! its video clips!!!!!!! so adele doesn’t deserve 7 nominations she deserve 2 nominations
But it SHOULD be about the music, and therefore her achieving those 7 nominations is brilliantly deserved as she’s starting to take music back to how it should be.
It’s called the MTV Video Music Awards. Video + Music?
But it SHOULD be about the music, and therefore her achieving those 7 nominations is brilliantly deserved as she’s starting to take music back to how it should be.
you guys listen to such terrible music it’s fucking pathetic
As a Little Monster, i must say that i’m a little disappointed in my fellow Gaga lovers. I know the intentions are good, they’re simply defending our leader,
but we’re a family of love, acceptance, and peace. We need to include others in this as well. I love Adele as an artist, and as a person. She has a beautiful personality, and i’m sure Mother Monster would get along with her just fine. Nobody can deny either of their amazing talent, but they are apples-and-oranges in their style and voice.
Winning a VMA does not make either one better than the other. Just be happy for the winner, and don’t let the criticism get to you, whether you’re an Adele fan or Little Monster.
but was Adele called fat by the “masses? or by lady gaga?
By Gaga, but her “Little Monsters” soon caught on and started bullying Adele, too. Y’know… because she has them all brainwashed.
There is no statement that was made by Gaga that she called Adele fat…
I’m a huge fan of Lady Gaga and I am utterly disgusted with what other fellow ‘fans’ are saying about Adele. Adele is a beautiful woman and is the most vocally talented woman I’ve heard (yes, I admit her vocals are better than Gaga’s, but Gaga DOES have a beautiful voice). Little Monsters, hear this: don’t hate on someone because they have more nominations than Gaga! Give Adele a chance to shine! And STOP commenting about her weight, that’s no laughing matter. Doesn’t Gaga tell us to love everybody for who they are?
Good luck Lady Gaga + Adele at the VMA’s! :)
I love Gaga, but I have to say she needs to find a something new. Her music is great, but come on, her last song sounded like Madonna’s Express Yourself. The Wildness is running out and thin. But Adele, her video was shot almost to perfection, so simple, yet so real.
And All those Fans that complained about Adele’s weight, I just wonder what they weigh, Adele’s voice is incredible. And because of Gaga’s Fan Base Bashing which is so anti Gaga, I would have to throw my support toward Adele. Because I do not like associating with mindless Hypocrites
I’m not a fan of Gaga music, I didn’t really like the music when i first heard it. I’m young but it just wasn’t my type of music, maybe something to listen to when it comes on the radio & I’m getting cleaning done or on the board walk, But I loved Adele from the beginning and I thought she looked great! I never once thought she was fat, or even saw her weight! With every person actress/actor, singer, anyone. I agree, Adele is beautiful, but so is taylor swift & their two different types of singers , and 2 different body types! Yet, I see them the same ..I just dont understand y people look at a smaller built person and think thats what EVERYONE should look like! WHY? GRR People make me mad.
Lady gaga is a bad influence on teenagers and whoever watches the crap she produces, I’d like her better if she’d appear on tv and music videos wearing clothes and if she was less of a sex icon. Calling someone ‘fat’ is hurtful and I consider that to be bullying and Adele is right for saying she’s a whore because it is true and we all know it. However, she was wrong for say that in public.
The difference between the “bullying” done towards Gaga, and that done towards Adele is the Gaga influences it. She found her fame by being this complete nutter and by being as eccentric as she possibly could be. Adele didn’t find her fame by being a bigger girl, she found it through her voice. She doesn’t use her size to push her fame further, whereas Gaga has no intentions of stopping her eccentric ways to make herself more famous.
Personally, I think the attack that Gaga made was just because she’s scared that Adele’s going to take over and become more successful than her; everyone knows that Adele’s singing is far more superior to Gaga’s.
so true!
gaga didint make the attack.
Lady Gaga is a crazy performance fanatic! She has to do go to extreme lengths and off the wall stunts so that people will like her, where as Adele can sit in a chair in her video and sing, and still be considered more prestigious than her… all Adele did was sit in a chair and sing… enough said
You kind of just proved yourself wrong. Gaga has to do those flashy things because her voice isn’t that great. Adele can just sit in a chair and sing fabulously. You’re basing the argument on what they do on their music videos, and that is just petty….
Adele is not more prestigious than Lady GaGa. While you may find Adele more talented, and that’s perfectly fine because we’re all entitled to our own opinions, you are wrong about thinking she’s more well known. Go around and ask people of all ages, races, ethnicities and nationalities and say both names. I can promise you GaGa is better known. That doesn’t mean she’s more talented or “better”, it just means that with her “crazy performances and off the wall stunts” she’s in fact succeeding. Bad publicity is still publicity, right?
I’m not a big fan of lady gaga so I find everythign about her really ugly n stupid all her outfit n her make up is just ugly…..
I honestly think that Lady Gaga crossed the line about Adele’s weight. Like, what does her weight have to do with her success? People like you for your voice, your music, not your weight.
True little monsters aren’t bitches to other musicians.
I love Gaga and Adele. Gaga is my idol, but I adore Adele’s new album.
Gaga is horrible.
Adele is true talent.
Well, Both have Talent in their OWN ways. This is just a case of picking the wrong fight ~ no thanks to GAGA fans ~ who are probably just ugly and weird.
Lady Gaga Monsters should be ashamed of themselves. Lady Gaga is known not only for her songs and amazing videos but also known for preaching about standing up for who you are and how all are beautiful in their own way. Calling Adele “fat” is NOT ON. She is extremely talented and both deserve to be nominated. Also all those people saying “They shouldn’t call Adele fat, Lady Gaga is ugly and weird” I’m sorry but you’re just as bad. These people are both different and unique in their own way.
I’m a big fan of GAGA..but Adele isn’t bad…FAT or FIT..ü are same person!
before reading this, I was a fan of gaga -.-
I love adele .. I F’n Hate gaga…. notice Gag in the name GAGA .. & Adele is beautiful & she is so original she’s not unsure of who she is & I absolutely love her for that :) ADELE FTW :)
She’s not really “original” though. Adele’s style of singing has been around since our grandparents were kids.
Actually, GAGA is just a Madonna knock off. ALLLL Gimmick, except Madonna could actually sing. At least, Adele is reaching back to something old enough to be vocally fresh again. Adele can actually sing without auto-tuning and a big electronic track to make up for her lack of talent.
I love Adele, I see the point about others calling gaga names, and no one saying anything. None of it is right. Why hasn’t gaga voiced her opion? Why hasn’t she replied to her monsters, that their mother’s where right, name calling is not nice, no matter what is said. Why isn’t she setting an example? I think Adele has an amazing voice, she doesn’t need stupid outfits, or roll her body all over the stage to be noticed, she just needs to sing!
but in reality….adele is more talented. gaga has more fame.
I think Adele fans are more out of control than gaga’s but everyone can get crazy. I don’t like them either, Adele is a hearbreak singer and all about lyrics, and I don’t like them much (BUT APPRECIATE THEM NONETHELESS) Gaga is all noise and when she isn’t she is trying WAY too hard to be “inspirational”.
I think everyones crossed the line and need a train to get back over and we should let this go.
I think Adele fans are more out of control than gaga’s but everyone can get crazy. I don’t like them either, Adele is a hearbreak singer and all about lyrics, and I don’t like them much (BUT APPRECIATE THEM NONETHELESS) Gaga is all noise and when she isn’t she is trying WAY too hard to be “inspirational”.
I think everyones crossed the line and need a train to get back over and we should let this go.
Lady gaga isnt even REAL. tryin to be a man on freakin vma’s . when adele was her self.. Dont call her fat cause no one has the perfect body in this world. look at gaga’s body its all ugly and not even shaped up. First look at yourself I BET YOU YOU WILL FIND ALOT OF FAT ON UR BODY. so stfu and grow up u ugly little gaga fans
She is actually setting a bad example by being fat and ok with it because she is in a state of “Morbidly Obese” this makes girls think “Oh it’s ok to be unhealthy” I have nothing against fat or skinny people but Adele will have health problems in the near future because of the weight she is perfectly fine with.
Shut up asshole she is beutiful you loser gaga you shouldnt not make fun of adele because maybe you or you childs could be obessed and been bullied in school by someone like you
How the FUCK is Adele “morbidly obese”? She’s not even that fat. <_<
Pretty much, lady gaga is trying to look original, and she just looks like a dick tbh. end of
i love lady gaga, but in reality no one should be making fun of adele’s weight. She may be fat, but she dosnt care about what you all say!! but im on team gaga, adele bores me. she was dressed like a 90 year old woman at the vmas, in that black dress.
why does there have to be conflict between the two? Gaga never said she’s better than adele and the same vice versa. Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out. BTW i love gaga. paws up, hoes (:
Lady gaga is cool and everything, but does no one else notice how many things she’s copied from Madonna? Most of her music videos are similar, she dressed up like a guy like Madonna already did she attempted to kiss Britney spears like she already did. I don’t have anything against her, I guess music nowadays is being recycled. Even movies are being remade. Why? Cause no one in Hollywood can come up with their own crap anymore. Sigh, sad day. :/
Lady gaga is cool and everything, but does no one else notice how many things she’s copied from Madonna? Most of her music videos are similar, she dressed up like a guy like Madonna already did she attempted to kiss Britney spears like she already did. I don’t have anything against her, I guess music nowadays is being recycled. Even movies are being remade. Why? Cause no one in Hollywood can come up with their own crap anymore. Sigh, sad day. :/
Grow up people! Adele and lady gaga are both great singers and both deserve to be respected and not called names to label them. Be nice everyone! It feels good.
lady gaga envies Adele’s voice !!!!
Cus adele sings way bettrr
It has nothing to do with GaGa or Adele, the question clearly states “Do you think GaGa FANS got out of control?” So while who sings better is a matter of opinion, it’s also irrelevant. Yes, I think GaGa fans did get way out of control. They’ll be the first to defend Mother Monster (I’m a little Monster as well) if anyone attacks her, claiming that people should be loved for themselves, cause they’re “beautiful in their own way” i.e. Born This Way, yet when the shoe is on the other foot, they’re also the first to use the weapons at their disposal. Practice what you preach. People think they’re defending GaGa in insulting Adele, but really, they’re embarrassing her. That’s not what she stands for and believes in. Stop being sore losers and understand that the awards are given to the artist who receives the most votes based on their fan base. Where were all these “Little Monsters” who attacked Adele when “Born This Way” needed its votes? Exactly.
Gaga would be the first to come to Adele’s defense, and is probably PO’d and embarrassed by the insults and invective towards Adele, allegedly by Gaga’s fans. The Lady has never regarded any other singer as an enemy or rival, and has embraced all for their contributions and talent. Her real fans would likewise appreciate and applaud the accomplishments of other entertainers.
Adele is not fat. I love her music, I love her style and I adore her natural beauty. I think that some people get out of control when it comes to ” their idol.” My best friend adores Lady Gaga, and without lady gaga, she wouldn’t be the girl she is today. She isn’t obsessed but Gaga is her motivation every day. She also likes Adele very much. She would most definitely react similar to the other gaga fans because they are people. This is what people do. Yes, it is very disrespectful and I agree but Adele should realize that its going to be a difficult path because some people don’t see the real beauty in her which is in the inside. She has a great voice, and a great heart. I also think she’s very pretty! I don’t think she is fat at all. I love the way Adele is and I also love the way Lady Gaga is :)
okay first of all , isnt lady gaga’s music all about being yourself and not being scared to be who you are and isnt that what gaga represents? Well then why should Adele get judged? I think some of the gaga fans are being hypocritical. Adele has an amazing voice!!
I respect them both as artists! I like Adele more. I think Adele is a far more talented singer. Lady GaGa is more of a gimmick than vocally talented. GaGa is like Marilyn Manson in that the she sells herself more with shock value than actual talent. That’s ok. People seem to dig that and she’s a pretty good songwriter and shares that talent with Adele. :)
Wyatt Ramos is a waste of skin that lacks any talent, what-so-ever and is what is commonly known as a “hater”. He’ll never amount to anything and is just envious that a girl like Adele will always be more successful than he. He’s a douche.
Well, apparently Adele is more talented than Lady Gaga. It doesn’t matter what Adele looks like, does it? Lady gaga is famous with her weird and strange outfits more than her talent, i believe that she gained her fame by wearing these things, meanwhile Adele gained her fame by her talent and beautiful songs, and most people LOVE her natural beauty. So why being mean to Adele for the way she looks, while lady gaga make herself look strange and weird just to get this fame? And maybe gaga wasn’t sure she’s gonna success with gaining all this fame without her really weird looks, while Adele was gaining her fame because of her talent, and at the end of the day, Gaga knows as well as we all know that she is not as much talented as Adele! STOP judging people because of the way they look, get a life people!
Obviously a lot of the commenters either have not read the ENTIRE article, or have selective reading and are bashing Gaga for no reason whatsoever. Just because you want to say that Adele is amazing at what she does (which she is), doesn’t mean you have to put down Gaga to do it. That just makes you just as rude and idiotic as the Gaga “fans” who started a lot of this bullshit.
I really can’t understand people! Adele And Gaga are so differents! they can’t be compared! they are authentic in differents ways! why do you must be so agressive? and say words to hurt others? stop with that!!! Adele is so beautiful and talented!! and she deserves everything..