Facebook Reveals Details Of Login Approvals Security Feature

Facebook rolled out a series of new security updates on Thursday that aim to protect you from malware and having your account hacked. Among those updates was the launch of a new feature called Login Approvals, and Facebook has revealed more details about how the feature works.
Login Approvals is essentially a two-step login process when you access your Facebook from a new computer or device, or a device that Facebook does not recognize. Facebook will send a text to your mobile phone with an access code, which you will have to type in before you can access Facebook from that computer.
Once you have completed the login, you will be asked if you wish to save that computer, meaning that you will not have to input an access code when using that computer again. Also, if you happen to lose your mobile phone, you can still access Facebook from trusted computers, and authorize your login that way. Saving computers and devices means that, if you lose your phone, you will not be locked out of your Facebook account while the Login Approvals feature is enabled.
This security feature is optional and can be switched on from your account settings.
If Facebook discovers a login attempt from a new device without the access code being entered, you will be notified on your next login to Facebook and asked to verify the login attempt. This lets you know that, while someone else may have tried to access your account, they were unsuccessful. You will then be able to change your password to help deter further attempts to access your account.
Login Approvals, which was built by engineering intern Andrew Song, should certainly help to combat the issue of account hijacking and help to protect you, your data and your Facebook friends from malware and spam.
[Image Credit: flickr, andilicious]