Virtue Celebrates 5-Year Anniversary With Record Quarter Earnings

Virtue started as a simple company in 2006, focusing on helping companies to develop video-centric social communities on the Internet. Today, the social media management company has made a business out of providing marketing software to big-name brands like McDonald’s, Intel, Ford, Chanel, JCPenney, Disney, Best Buy and AT&T.
Just in time for its 5-year anniversary, the company announced that it has posted its best quarter to date, breaking its record from the last quarter in 2010, which had produced the highest increase in profit at that time. The new numbers from this quarter beat out the previous one across all categories.
The company launched its Virtue Publisher in 2009, providing its clients with a new range of analytics capabilities that focused on providing scheduling, moderation and analytics services to its clients. Virtue continued to add products that increasingly utilized social networks like Facebook and Twitter and allowed brands to more intimately interact with their customers.
As of now, it helps clients acquire fans online and assists in maintaining a brand’s social network presence by developing software and content that keeps fans engaged. Over the past quarter Virtue has been able to add almost 100 new employees to its roster. This year they also announced that they now manage over 500 million fans worldwide for its customers’ 2,500 Facebook and Twitter accounts located in 47 countries.