Yelp Check-in Update Makes it Easier to Reach Royalty Status
Yelp, the metropolis-based social check-in service, changed up its royalty system, allowing users to earn Dukedom after three check-ins.
We all have lofty goals of making it big one day, but it’ll probably never be easier than snatching a baron title on Yelp with a mere three check-ins.
Besides this update, the system still works as it has since it launched in 2009. Similarly to Foursquare’s Mayorships, which crowns top users (mayors) at a venue on a rolling 60-day calendar, Yelp dubs its barons and baronesses based on check-ins over a period of time. However, unclaimed venues and locations can be snatched up faster-with only three check-ins required for users to earn Dukedom.
For the truly aristocratic social networkers, Yelp kept the rest of its royalty system in tact. Users with the most Dukedoms in a community bears the title of baron (or baroness), and whoever achieves the most baron titles within a city is crowned king or queen.
Yelp is currently updating its royalty leaderboards to reflect the changes, so expect some shakeups in the aristocracy. Viva la revolution!